The FBI and Hillary Clinton's Email

Kinja'd!!! "Rusty Vandura -" (rustyvandura)
07/06/2016 at 13:05 • Filed to: None

Kinja'd!!!2 Kinja'd!!! 61

If the !!!error: Indecipherable SUB-paragraph formatting!!! , then it must be.



Kinja'd!!! ttyymmnn > Rusty Vandura -
07/06/2016 at 13:10


The people who already hate Hillary will continue to hate her. Those willing to look past it (or ignore it, choose your phrasing) will continue to look past it. Drumpf will continue to remind us about it, but it won’t matter.

Kinja'd!!! Hot Takes Salesman > Rusty Vandura -
07/06/2016 at 13:11


Well, if I was voting, and I can’t, I know which choice I’d make between a maaaayybe-criminal and actual fucking Hitler.

Kinja'd!!! qbeezy > ttyymmnn
07/06/2016 at 13:12


Truth. It’s just a distraction right now.

Kinja'd!!! Rusty Vandura - > ttyymmnn
07/06/2016 at 13:12


More troubling is that as damning as the report is, it’s still not good enough for the Republicans and they will drag the FBI director in for testimony.

Kinja'd!!! ttyymmnn > Rusty Vandura -
07/06/2016 at 13:16


Kinja'd!!! random001 > Hot Takes Salesman
07/06/2016 at 13:16


Sadly, it’s really hard to know which is which....

Kinja'd!!! TheBloody, Oppositelock lives on in our shitposts. > Rusty Vandura -
07/06/2016 at 13:18



Kinja'd!!! Spridget > Rusty Vandura -
07/06/2016 at 13:18


Could you please put “political” in the title and have a prejump image a caption with a political warning? I’m getting tired of hearing about politics in general, and it’s not what I come to Oppo for, and I’d prefer to see a picture of a cool car and the words “political warning” or something rather a picture of Hillary Clinton and text talking about her emails. Thanks!

Kinja'd!!! Sneaky Pete > Rusty Vandura -
07/06/2016 at 13:22


Kinja'd!!! Jcarr > Hot Takes Salesman
07/06/2016 at 13:25


I hate Trump as much as the next guy, but it does a disservice to those millions killed by Hitler and his followers to compare Trump to him.

Yes, he’s terrible. But he’s not 6-million-dead terrible.

Kinja'd!!! Rusty Vandura - > Spridget
07/06/2016 at 13:25


Oppo is an off-topic blog...

Kinja'd!!! Jordan and the Slowrunner, Boomer Intensifies > Hot Takes Salesman
07/06/2016 at 13:26


Trump is just pandering to his audience. His past speaks volume of the things he actually isn’t going to do.

Kinja'd!!! Funktheduck > Rusty Vandura -
07/06/2016 at 13:27


Anybody surprised by this should know better.

The rich/political/celebrity classes play by a special set of rules. This could've been any politician and the result would have been the same.

Kinja'd!!! Rusty Vandura - > Jcarr
07/06/2016 at 13:28


Well played.

Kinja'd!!! Rusty Vandura - > Sneaky Pete
07/06/2016 at 13:31


I don’t think it’s fair to compare this to Edward Snowden. Clinton was careless and cavalier, while Snowden was treasonous.

Kinja'd!!! vondon302 > Rusty Vandura -
07/06/2016 at 13:32


I listened to the Fbi director’s statement yesterday when I was out and about. I was gonna switch it but it sounded like he was making a case to go to trial not absolve her.

I guess it comes down to your definition of did or didn't.

Kinja'd!!! JQJ213- Now With An Extra Cylinder! > Rusty Vandura -
07/06/2016 at 13:33


I’m not a huge Hillary supporter, but keep in mind that the NY Times is definitely leaning towards the Conservative side.

Kinja'd!!! tuxOnWindows > Rusty Vandura -
07/06/2016 at 13:35


Further confirmation that I’ll be writing in my own canidate *cough* Bernie *cough* when I vote in November

Kinja'd!!! Sneaky Pete > Rusty Vandura -
07/06/2016 at 13:35


There were several other comparisons in the article that are absolutely comparable.

Kinja'd!!! unclevanos (Ovaltine Jenkins) > Rusty Vandura -
07/06/2016 at 13:36



This meteor will erase any issue be it corruption or debt.

Kinja'd!!! Dru > TheBloody, Oppositelock lives on in our shitposts.
07/06/2016 at 13:38



Kinja'd!!! Rusty Vandura - > JQJ213- Now With An Extra Cylinder!
07/06/2016 at 13:41


To the Conservative side of Ralph Nader, maybe...

Kinja'd!!! BReLp7dzHM3ytYsE > Rusty Vandura -
07/06/2016 at 13:59


Did you hear Comey’s statement? At the very least, she committed perjury. At the most, she violated 18 USC § 793 (f) , which carries a ten-year maximum sentence. You don’t have to show intent to commit a crime, and ignorance of the law is not a defense. I can throw a rock into a crowd without intending to kill someone, but if I do kill someone, then I should be charged accordingly. I still threw the rock. The same principle applies here. “Extreme carelessness” means the exact same thing as “gross negligence.”

Kinja'd!!! ttyymmnn > vondon302
07/06/2016 at 14:02


“It depends on what the meaning of the word ‘is’ is. If the—if he—if ‘is’ means is and never has been, that is not—that is one thing. If it means there is none, that was a completely true statement....Now, if someone had asked me on that day, are you having any kind of sexual relations with Ms. Lewinsky, that is, asked me a question in the present tense, I would have said no. And it would have been completely true.”

—Bill Clinton, 1998

Kinja'd!!! Rusty Vandura - > BReLp7dzHM3ytYsE
07/06/2016 at 14:03


I cannot disagree with you. A more appalling situation or pair of choices for a presidential election I cannot imagine. I am reminded of the adolescents I work with in my profession as a public school teacher. You catch them at something and they just stand there and lie until they die. Or you give up.

Kinja'd!!! vondon302 > ttyymmnn
07/06/2016 at 14:04



Kinja'd!!! Highlander-Datsuns are Forever > Rusty Vandura -
07/06/2016 at 14:04


She most certainly broke the law, I think that the FBI is just being a bunch of pansies to not recommend criminal prosecution. This is pretty basic shit for those of us who work or have worked with the federal government.

Kinja'd!!! BReLp7dzHM3ytYsE > Rusty Vandura -
07/06/2016 at 14:06


Believe me, even as a conservative, I wish that I were wrong and that the nominee of a major party, even an opposing one, wasn’t involved in something like this. It’s incredibly disheartening.

Kinja'd!!! Tekamul > Jcarr
07/06/2016 at 14:06


He is not. And he should not be given the chance to try. I don’t think he would, but on a scale of 1-10, my confidence is maybe an 8, where as for every other president or major (2 party) presidential nominee in my lifetime, it’s been a 10.

Kinja'd!!! Tekamul > Sneaky Pete
07/06/2016 at 14:07


I don’t think any case you’re going to make is bolstered by an RT link.

Kinja'd!!! Tekamul > Rusty Vandura -
07/06/2016 at 14:10


At this point, more than in any previous election, the number of people remaining undecided by July 4th is very small. Unlike in previous years, those few remaining drool factories will not determine the outcome.

Anybody paying attention has made their decision, this stuff is just talking points. Enraging, embarrassing talking points.

Kinja'd!!! Hot Takes Salesman > Jcarr
07/06/2016 at 14:13


It’s a little bit of an overstatement, isn’t it, but then there’s Godwin's Rule for you in a nutshell.

Kinja'd!!! jariten1781 > Rusty Vandura -
07/06/2016 at 14:17


I've worked with folks who mishandled classified. They're never, in my experience, prosecuted without intent (I know there are some corner cases out there but it's crazy rare). However, if it was long term (ie not a one off) they have their clearances revoked, they're fired, and they're told that they're banned from seeking a clearance/job that requires a clearance for life.

Kinja'd!!! ttyymmnn > vondon302
07/06/2016 at 14:20


Frickin lawyers.

Kinja'd!!! spanfucker retire bitch > BReLp7dzHM3ytYsE
07/06/2016 at 14:22


But none of the classified e-mails would have regarded national defense, which is why that law doesn’t apply.

Basically, even if you ignore mens rea, it just doesn’t come to the level of a federal indictment.…

There’s also the fact that she was Secretary of State at the time which despite protestations to the contrary, did in fact endow her with special privileges that other people wouldn’t have in regards to the discussion of classifed material.

I still can’t believe how stupid she was to run a private server, but it just doesn’t reach any criminal levels.

Kinja'd!!! spanfucker retire bitch > Funktheduck
07/06/2016 at 14:23


It could have been any secretary of state and the result certainly would have been the same, yes. We need only look back to the last Presidency to see this same thing happening and it didn’t even get as far as an FBI investigation.

Kinja'd!!! BReLp7dzHM3ytYsE > spanfucker retire bitch
07/06/2016 at 14:27


At the very least though, she committed perjury, which is a criminal offense.

Kinja'd!!! spanfucker retire bitch > BReLp7dzHM3ytYsE
07/06/2016 at 14:30


If the federal prosecutors could prove she lied with intent. Which is pretty difficult to prove regardless of the situation.

Kinja'd!!! Sneaky Pete > Tekamul
07/06/2016 at 14:30


That was just the first one I grabbed.

Would you prefer the extremely libeta Huffpo?…


NY Post?…

Kinja'd!!! BReLp7dzHM3ytYsE > spanfucker retire bitch
07/06/2016 at 14:32


Hard to prove? Maybe. Hard to believe? Not one bit.

Kinja'd!!! Spridget > Rusty Vandura -
07/06/2016 at 14:35


It’s off topic, but it’s still a car blog. The rule is, when you’re discussing something political, personal, NSFW, controversial, etc, you post a header image and make an alert in the title. That’s always been the rule, as decreed by the all holy mods. You’re not the only one who’s doing it; there’s been a rash of political content on Oppo lately that hasn’t followed these rules.

Kinja'd!!! BigBlock440 > spanfucker retire bitch
07/06/2016 at 14:36


Really? When did Powell or Rice use their own private email server? Or even use email for that matter?

Kinja'd!!! Rusty Vandura - > Spridget
07/06/2016 at 14:37


Thank you for the feedback. I will re-read the Oppo Handbook and conduct my posts accordingly.

Kinja'd!!! Scimitar7 > spanfucker retire bitch
07/06/2016 at 14:39



I LOATHE Bill & Hillary, but the sad fact is that no actual crime was committed. I would love it if another piece of evidence comes out that turns the investigation on its head, but sadly that’s not the case. I don’t have enough faith in humanity to hope that what was revealed will preclude her from running.

That said, I feel like she’s arrogant enough to do something like that again; then if she gets elected, we will most definitely have the most transparent administration ever... providing someone hacks the server!

Kinja'd!!! spanfucker retire bitch > BigBlock440
07/06/2016 at 14:59


The entire Bush administration ran off of a GOP provided e-mail server. And Powell and Rice both used non-government servers as well, except one of them (I forget which after all this time) had their secretary always type up their e-mails and send it in their name over their own private server instead.

How do you not know that?

Kinja'd!!! DeLM > Jcarr
07/06/2016 at 14:59


I don’t think he is a,hitler Hitlery is closer to that, mind you I will be voting Libertarian, but at the end of the day, if it was Trump, we don’t know what will happen, but if its Hitlery it is guaranteed to be a shitshow like everything else she has done.

Kinja'd!!! Future next gen S2000 owner > Rusty Vandura -
07/06/2016 at 15:01


Clinton and Trump are a stark reminder of why Mickey Mouse is the most written in candidate for office, ever.

Side note.

I would like to congratulate Oppo on one of the most civil threads with a political topic I’ve ever seen.

Kinja'd!!! Rusty Vandura - > Future next gen S2000 owner
07/06/2016 at 15:04


Keepin’ Oppo excellent .

Kinja'd!!! Rusty Vandura - > spanfucker retire bitch
07/06/2016 at 15:13


Thank you for that link. Strikes me as a thoughtful and reasonable analysis. More excellent Oppo.

Kinja'd!!! BigBlock440 > spanfucker retire bitch
07/06/2016 at 15:18


Kinja'd!!! -this space for rent- > spanfucker retire bitch
07/06/2016 at 15:24


She has declass powers, which she could have invoked instead of just pretending ‘nothing is classified, it’s all fine to be stored on a computer in my basement’.

Classified info isn’t even supposed to touch the same systems as unclass. How so much info was cross pollinated without someone in the chain having the intent that seems to be missing for the case seems very implausible.

Kinja'd!!! The Dummy Gummy > Spridget
07/06/2016 at 15:31


As other have told me before:


Kinja'd!!! AMGtech - now with more recalls! > Rusty Vandura -
07/06/2016 at 15:48


I would happily accept any failed main presidential candidate from the past 5 elections in place of these two yahoos.

Kinja'd!!! BigBlock440 > Tekamul
07/06/2016 at 15:50


I disagree, I think there’s a lot of people undecided at this point as they are both difficult people to vote for and they’re not all that different on policy.

Kinja'd!!! Slant6 > Hot Takes Salesman
07/06/2016 at 15:54


That’s an insult to Hitler. He was brilliant. Not a good person, but an incredible leader, and excellent at his job.

I’m not sure anyone could say the same about Trump.

Kinja'd!!! spanfucker retire bitch > BigBlock440
07/06/2016 at 16:14


Mea culpa. I abused the technicality of the term. It’s correct that Powell used a personal e-mail account, but not a personal e-mail server.

What isn’t up for debate however is the fact that the Bush administration used a GOP provided e-mail server that was ostensibly supposed to only be used for the re-election campaign (to be in compliance of the Hatch Act) but ended up sending millions of government e-mails over it.

That was a different controversy entirely though, as the President isn’t supposed to use any non-government system for government communications due to the PRA. That kind of stringent records act (even including the FRA) didn’t apply legally to the SoS until John Kerry took office though, so Clinton, Powell, etc weren’t covered under those obligations as strictly as the President. Well, until now that is.

Kinja'd!!! spanfucker retire bitch > Rusty Vandura -
07/06/2016 at 16:16


Yeah, I don’t know what mkbruin’s issue with it is. With the exception of the last bit that you could maybe argue is a defense about how things really works vs. how they’re supposed to, all that article does is cover the factual aspects of what the laws and regs cover, as well as very high precedent set by the Supreme Court in such matters.

TP is a liberal leaning site, but they’re almost always factually correct. Some people just can’t deal with the truth of the matter I suppose.

Kinja'd!!! Rusty Vandura - > Spridget
07/06/2016 at 17:31


Political / Sensitive topics are welcome, however it is recommended that you announce such content in the title and that all sensitive material is posted “after the jump.”

Kinja'd!!! Spridget > Rusty Vandura -
07/06/2016 at 18:00


Right, but I’d follow the mods recommendation. They can’t force you to get rid of it, because of the Constitution, but everyone would be happy if everything was after the jump. That way everyone who wants to see politics can hit the jump and see it, and everyone who doesn’t can scroll the front page and see interesting cars instead.

Kinja'd!!! gmporschenut also a fan of hondas > Hot Takes Salesman
07/07/2016 at 00:04


Hitler is exaggeration. Mussolini, yeah

Kinja'd!!! Hot Takes Salesman > gmporschenut also a fan of hondas
07/07/2016 at 00:07


That retweet bait was the best thing I've ever seen Gawker do. Absolutely classic.